Student Learning Results *Implement early interventions, progress monitor, and document Response to Intervention (RtI) strategies for students struggling with learning and/or behavior resulting in 72% of third grade students proficient in reading and 75% proficient in math *Assist and monitor 100% of primary teachers with the transition from New Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) to the implementation of Common Core Standards *Appointed as teacher representative and served on Race to the Top (RTT) Performance Pay Committee, as a result facilitate staff understanding of Marzano evaluation tool *School Accountability Chair (SAC), collaborate with Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Technology subcommittees to develop, implement, and monitor School Improvement Plan (SIP) activities, ensuring compliance while keeping with the school's mission and vision *Conduct quarterly data chats to identify learning gains and assist with the development and monitoring of the SIP goals and subgroups resulting in a 2% increase in reading *Created intervention groups resulting in a 10% increase of student's Oral Reading Fluency Probes (ORF) from the beginning to the end of the school year *Continually progress monitor students using all available resources (FAIR, FCAT, BAT, quarterly data chats,) ensuring rigorous instruction *Member of the Leadership Team analyze student data and created a school wide data binder; trained teachers how to effectively use the binder, resulting in 100% of teachers able to progress monitor to better meet student needs *Gather and analyze data in order to differentiate instruction for Exceptional Student Education (ESE), English Language Learners (ELL) and Gifted students *Utilize BASIS, Virtual Counselor, Accelerated Reader, Star reports, and iReady to assess, monitor, and analyze student progress and adjust instruction *Encourage frequent student usage of programs such as FCAT Explorer, Accelerated Reader, Success Maker, Brain Pop, Tumble Books, Destination Reading and Math, and Go Math resulting in an increase in reading and math by at least one grade level Student Learning as a Priority *Appointed to Common Core Platinum Team identifying areas of need and creating action plan for next year *Volunteered to be school representative for the Black Male Taskforce, a zone-wide peer mentoring initiative to increase graduation rate and college/career readiness *Member of Leadership team work closely with grade chairs and administration to support District's Strategic Plan; created and implemented a school wide behavior plan *Facilitated Marzano staff development book chat using The Highly Engaged Classroom resulting in 100% of participants having a better understanding of Marzano Domains *Mentor Coordinator, obtained mentors for over 40 at-risk students and nominated the 2012 Broward County Mentor of the Year and the 2009 Broward County Senior Mentor of the Year *Collaborative Problem Solving Coordinator (CPST), implemented additional interventions for black subgroup, resulting in achieving AYP through Safe Harbor in the area of math (2011) *Provided extended learning opportunity by implementing "Buddy Reading Program" during dismissal (60 minutes) increasing reading stamina while decreasing behavior problems *Collaborated with Reading Specialist in organizing FCAT camps resulting in an increase of student attendance by 25% *Created and implemented "school wide skill building daily block" to increase academic achievement in subgroups *Adapted and progress monitored tiered activities with various levels of support, challenge, or complexity to differentiate instruction *Developed ESE Paraprofessional schedule meeting needs of all ESE students while ensuring safety and continuous learning *Coordinate placement of 100% of ESE students ensuring all academic and social needs of each individual student Instructional Plan Implementation *SAC Chair, implemented Florida's waiver for No Child Left Behind by analyzing data, sharing ideas with stakeholders, and preparing the School Improvement Plan for the transition from Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) to Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO's) *Designed and adjusted the ESE schedule to accommodate the needs of all sub-groups *Developed a school wide "Skills Building" plan targeting sub groups increasing reading achievement by 2% *Continually progress monitor and review data to set learning goals for School Improvement Plan and target subgroups *Disaggregated FCAT, BAT, STAR, and mid-year assessments to differentiate reading and math instruction and to prepare ESE, ELL and Gifted students for the next grade level *Developed ESE team's Professional Growth Plans in conjunction with School Improvement Plan goal, increasing reading and math achievement by at least one grade level *Facilitate ongoing specialized instruction for ESE students increasing annual goal mastery by 80% *Assisted in creating the master schedule meeting the needs of all students, providing all grade levels with an uninterrupted 90 minute reading block and common grade planning time, assisting school in maintaining school grade of "A" for eight consecutive years