age ~39
from Boca Raton, FL
www.allongedance... Three Highlighted Excerpts from unique CT Company...
'Solo le pido a Dios,' (c) by Leon Gieco, performed by Tao Rodriguez-S...
El grupo Surcari de Lorena Garay,algo fuera de lo comun.
Gonzalo Cortes, flute Lorena Garay, guitar, Jessica Heller, viola Lati...
Hazlo en Corto 2008 La Nopalera 1er lugar en categora Dpcumental De Di...
Trailer presentacin la obra de teatro QUERS HACER EL FAVOR DE CALLARTE...
January, 2015 Not only has Lorena Garay composed, recorded and produce...
Performed at the George Flynn Classical Concert series in historic dow...