Museveni has banned social media and detained some opposition leaders, but hell tarnish his inauguration further by welcoming Sudanese President Umar al-Bashir, an international fugitive sought for alleged atrocities in Darfur, Maria Burnett, senior African researcher with the group, said in an e
Date: May 12, 2016
Source: Google
Election day in Uganda: Tear gas fired, opposition leader detained, social media shut down
Sadly, this is no idle talk. Human rights groups have documented cases of people, including children, killed by security forces during public demonstrations in Uganda in recent years, Human Rights Watch researcher Maria Burnett said in a statement.
In a report released last month, Maria Burnett, a senior Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch, said: "Using volunteer or reserve forces to complement community policing is not a new or inherently bad concept, but these forces need to be regulated, impartial, effectively trained, and held accounta
Date: Feb 17, 2016
Source: Google
Uganda Presidential Election 2016: Guide To Candidates, Key Issues, Rules And Results
"Uganda has among the youngest population in the world. For those in their twenties, they can now vote but they have never known another president in their lifetime, said Maria Burnett, senior researcher for Human Rights Watchs Africa Division.
Date: Feb 16, 2016
Category: World
Source: Google
Ahead of Uganda vote, Facebook maverick flourishes amid stifled media
When you look at Uganda, the ruling party has a lot of ways to control the information flows, so social media certainly provides a platform thats more difficult to regulate, says Maria Burnett, a senior researcher at HRW who co-authored the Uganda media report. But while I think social media use
Date: Feb 15, 2016
Category: World
Source: Google
AP Interview: Uganda's president says he's the one bullied
In any case, Uganda doesnt penalize gay people, he said. But we also dont promote that behavior. Because it is not the normal behavior. Maria Burnett, senior researcher for Human Rights Watch, said Tuesday that no doubt about it, Uganda remains a difficult place to be gay.
Date: May 06, 2015
Category: World
Source: Google
Uganda's president signs new anti-gay law (+video)
"By signing this bill, Museveni has not only let down gay Ugandans; he has also failed the very constituencies he claims to be protecting, including children," said Maria Burnett, a Uganda researcher for Human Rights Watch. "Laws to protect children from abuse by perpetrators of either the same or t
Date: Feb 24, 2014
Category: World
Source: Google
Uganda Passes Law Punishing Homosexuality With Life in Prison
The removal of the death penalty is a concession, butlife imprisonment and a raft of other alarming provisionsremain, Maria Burnett, senior researcher in the Africadivision of New York-based Human Rights Watch, said in an e-mailed response to questions. President Museveni should rejectthe bil
Date: Dec 20, 2013
Source: Google
Maria Burnett Memorial Video
Maria Elena Burnett August 6, 1965 - January 31, 2020.
6m 15s
Interview with Maria Burnett - Human Rights W...
Maria Burnett is senior researcher in the Africa Division of Human Rig...
4m 9s
Maria Burnett on Thomas Lubanga
Straight Talk Africa host Shaka Ssali spoke with Maria Burnett of Huma...
Andrew Kaweesi, Maria Burnett discuss report ...
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Tritisa Brown (1995-1997), David Frame (1982-1986), Maria Burnett (1962-1965), Janet Miller (1970-1974), Armando Hernandez (1993-1995), Kevin Roberts (1984-1987)