Independent Consultant Mar 2003 to PresentFeria Carnaval de Turismo de PR y el Caribe, Inc
2011 to 2012Hole In One Golf News
2005 to 2010 Acct ExecutiveHole In One Golf News
2005 to 2009 Office ManagementBusiness For Change International
2003 to 2005 Acct. ExecutiveAmerican Red Cross-Puerto Rico
Jul 2002 to Feb 2003 Public Affairs and Communications OfficerECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK FOR PR San Juan, PR 1997 to Dec 2000 Vice President / Public Relations & CommunicationsLatin America and the US
1993 to 1997 Special Assistant to the President/Office ManagerPEPSI COLA INTERNATIONAL San Juan, PR 1990 to 1993 Executive Assistant to the Market Manager/GenPEPSI COLA MFG. CO., INC Cidra, P.R., US 1985 to 1990 Assisted the Dir. of Operations/Finance, Planning & Investment MgrUNIV. OF MASSACHUSSETTS MEDICAL CENTER Worcester, MA 1980 to 1984Consumer Loan Representative 1977 to 1980
ATLANTIC UNION COLLEGE South Lancaster, MA Sep 1975 to Jul 1977 SciencesANTILLIAN COLLEGE Mayagez, PR Sep 1972 to Jun 1974 A.A. in Secretarial/Accounting
Fully Bilingual, Special Proyects and events coordinator
Dr. Ocasio graduated from the UMDNJ New Jersey Medical School at Newark in 2007. She works in Chatham, NJ and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Ocasio is affiliated with Overlook Medical Center.