Meghanad D Wagh

age ~76

from Bethlehem, PA

Also known as:
  • Meghanad Dr Wagh
  • Meghanad D Wach
  • E Wagh
  • D R
Phone and address:
2307 Hannahs Ln, Bethlehem, PA 18020

Meghanad Wagh Phones & Addresses

  • 2307 Hannahs Ln, Bethlehem, PA 18020 • 6108661527
  • Allentown, PA
  • Norfolk, VA
  • 2307 Hannahs Ln, Bethlehem, PA 18020


  • Position:
    Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations


  • Degree:
    Associate degree or higher



Meghanad Wagh Photo 1

Meghanad Wagh

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Us Patents

  • Dynamic Message Sign Display Panel Communication Error Detection And Correction

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  • US Patent:
    7248229, Jul 24, 2007
  • Filed:
    Dec 31, 2003
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Bryron L. Zerphy - Macungie PA, US
    Eric J. Zerphy - Macungie PA, US
    Meghanad Wagh - Bethlehem PA, US
  • International Classification:
    G09G 5/00
  • US Classification:
    345 13
  • Abstract:
    In accordance with the invention, there is described a sign display panel made up of a controller connected in a serial communication network with a set of display units. Each of the display units receives messages from the controller and detects errors in the messages. The controller sends a series of communication integrity messages to the set of display units. When a display unit receives the communication integrity message, it sends it to the next display unit or back to the controller. If a display unit does not receive a communication integrity message within a set time interval, the display unit sends an error message that is received by the controller.
  • Bilinear Algorithms And Vlsi Implementations Of Forward And Inverse Mdct With Applications To Mp3 Audio

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  • US Patent:
    20110060433, Mar 10, 2011
  • Filed:
    Feb 2, 2009
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Xingdong Dai - Whitehall PA, US
    Meghanad Wagh - Bethlehem PA, US
  • Assignee:
  • International Classification:
    G06F 17/00
  • US Classification:
    700 94
  • Abstract:
    Provided herein are hardware efficient bilinear algorithms and methods to compute MDCT/IMDCT of 2n and 4.3n points. The algorithms and methods for composite lengths have practical applications in MP3 audio encoding and decoding. The MDT/IMDCT can be converted to type-IV discrete cosine transforms (DCT-IV). Using group theory, the methods decomposes DCT-IV transform kernel matrix into groups of cyclic and Hankel product matrices. Bilinear algorithms are then applied to efficiently evaluate these groups. When implemented in VLSI, bilinear algorithms have improved the critical path delays over existing solutions. For MPEG-1/2 layer III (MP3) audio, proposed herein are several different versions of unified hardware architectures for both the short and long blocks and the forward and inverse transforms.
  • Electronic Sewing Machine

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  • US Patent:
    51899710, Mar 2, 1993
  • Filed:
    Oct 29, 1990
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Samuel R. Frankel - Shillington PA
    Meghanad D. Wagh - Bethlehem PA
  • International Classification:
    D05B 6910
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    An electronic sewing machine whose needle bar assembly is made to reciprocate by means of a pair of cooperating solenoids in conjunction with a bobbin driven by a stepping motor to accomplish the sewing. The stepping motor's steps are made variable programmatically by a CPU attached to the machine such that the tightness of a stitch may be controlled. Additionally, the machine may be programmed to deliver a defined number of stitches in a defined number of stitch runs, position the needle up or down, report a variety of accounting and maintenance data and can be taught to perform a variety of sewing runs.


Meghanad Wagh Photo 2

Meghanad Wagh

Bethlehem, PA
Lehigh University
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

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