2010 to 2000 Purchasing AnalystGAF Materials Corporation
2005 to 2000GAF Materials Corporation
2008 to 2010 Supply Chain AnalystGAF Materials Corporation
2006 to 2008 Schedule / ExpediterGAF Materials Corporation
2005 to 2006 Customer Care RepresentativeLead Customer Service RepresentativeWyckoff, NJ 2002 to 2005Greenway Plastics Wayne, NJ 2000 to 2001 Traffic Manager
William Paterson University Wayne, NJ 2003 to 2005 Bachelor of Arts in PsychologyBerkeley College of Business West Paterson, NJ 1997 to 1999 Associate of Science in Office Systems Management
Jarrod Brandman, Ian Lovegrove, Erica Schaefer, Dana Barany, Jessica Lopez, David Gwozdz, Meghan Acker, Kelly Thomas, Christine Chaplain, Jeannie Wakeham, Matt Fricke