May 2013 to 2000 Senior Tax ConsultantPhotonics Inc
2010 to 2000 Global Tax DirectorAlly Financial Inc Detroit, MI 2007 to 2010 Tax DirectorCHEMTURA CORPORATION Middlebury, CT 2006 to 2007 Senior Manager - International TaxCITIGROUP New York, NY 2001 to 2006 VP/ Senior ManagerPRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Chicago, IL 1998 to 2001 Tax DirectorGE CAPITAL CORPORATION Stamford, CT 1995 to 1998 Senior Manager - International TaxTEXACO INC White Plains, NY 1990 to 1995 Manager - International TaxesIBM CORPORATION Armonk, NY 1982 to 1990 Tax Specialist
University of New Haven West Haven, CT MS in TaxationIona College New Rochelle, NY BBA in Finance
Michael Kulbieda Oral Defense 2011
Michael Kulbieda Oral Defense 2011 Sierra Nevada College.
23m 49s
Mike Kulbieda Introduction
Mike Kulbieda Introductio.
2m 21s
A lesson plan on suffixes for a first and second grade vertically grou...