Holwell Shuster & Goldberg LLP 335 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017 6468373153 (Office)
New York - Currently registered 1987
McGill University Degree - LL.B - Bachelor of Laws Graduated - 1986 McGill University Degree - B.C.L., Graduated - 1986 York University Degree - BA - Bachelor of Arts Graduated - 1982
Holwell's new firm includes Michael Shuster and Daniel Goldberg, lawyers he practiced with at White & Case. Holwell Shuster & Goldberg plans to represent clients in complex commercial, securities, antitrust and bankruptcy litigation, according to the press release.
Date: Feb 08, 2012
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Judge in Rajaratnam Insider Trading Trial to Step Down From Bench
In his new venture, Judge Holwell, a graduate of Columbia Law School, is rejoining his former law partners at White & Case, Michael Shuster and Daniel Goldberg. The firm is presenting itself as a litigation boutique with a focus on complex commercial litigation and a specialty in antitrust, bank
atientCare Program, one of three amputee facilities like it in the UnitedStates. There, Carpenter and others met Michael Shuster, aHazelwood Central graduate, who has spent the last three yearsrecovering from injuries he sustained when his vehicle ran over animprovised explosive device in Iraq.