Grady Champion, Homemade Jamz, Slick Ballinger, Larry Garner, Tommy Castro, Susan Tedeschi, Michael Burks, Michelle Wilson, Albert Cummings and many more ...
Mike Tedeschi - Limelight (cover)
Mike Tedeschi's cover of Limelight by Rush.
3m 51s
Mike Tedeschi - Star Spangled Banner
My version of Star Spangled Banner.
1m 47s
Susan Tedeschi blows the roof off the Orpheum...
Watch 'til the end! The Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks Band performs ...
8m 18s
Tedeschi Trucks Band - Get What You Deserve
Tedeschi Trucks Band Infinity Hall Live 2015 Derek Trucks - guitar Su...
4m 42s
Susan Tedeschi & Mike Mattison "Anyday" At Cr...
"Any Day" written by Mike Mattison and sung with Susan Tedeschi at Cro...
6m 12s
Mike Tedeschi: Grinding Daily Profits In The ...
In episode 91 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Mike Tedesch...
Mike Tedeschi's Page on ... Make a statement: Life should be simplier I am: Part of the solution If I could change one thing tomorrow it would be: