from Falls Church, VA
The song is by Abdelhalim Hafez. The pictures show "Gamal Abdelnasser"...
enjoy rate and comment Thank you AyamZamanElhilwa For this amazing son...
Gamal Abdul Nasser and The west
karaoke30 abdel halim hafez naser ya horria - voice of Sherief Raafat
karaoke21 abdel halim hafez naser ya horria - voice of Sherief Raafat
abdel halim hafez wahyat albi ou afraho afra7o
abdel halim hafez - Oulolo Translation: Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ooloolo, Ool...
karaoke77 abdel halim hafez - naser ya horria - voice of Sherief Raafat