Pete Bucher


from Arkansas City, KS

Pete Bucher Phones & Addresses

  • Arkansas City, KS


ABC 1968 30th Anniversary Interview with Pete...

Produced in 1998 for the 30th anniversary of the PUEBLO Incident. Incl...

  • Duration:
    11m 14s

Roy Brown - Butcher Pete (Full Version) + Lyr...

LYRICS IN DESCRIPTION! I love this song so much it's amazing! People m...

  • Duration:
    5m 18s

Butcher Pete Part 1 & 2

Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises Butcher Pete Part 1 & 2...

  • Duration:
    5m 14s

Fallout 3 Soundtrack - Butcher Pete

The song Butcher Pete by Roy Brown of the Fallout 3 Soundtrack. You ca...

  • Duration:
    5m 9s

PUEBLO Captain Bucher for plaque dedication a...

Captain Bucher remarks on April 25, 2001 at ceremony at the Andersonvi...

  • Duration:
    4m 3s

#PETERBUKA - Playlist of Peter Buka 2021 - Be...

PETERBUKA - Playlist of Peter Buka 2021 - Best Piano Cover Songs of Pe...

  • Duration:
    58m 52s


Pete Bucher Photo 1

Ramey School, Ramey afb

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Peter Bucher (1965-1966),
German Marrero (1993-1997),
Kristin Schweppe (1983-1985),
Charles Helton (1965-1969),
Arlene Otero (1990-1994)
Pete Bucher Photo 2

Ramey School, Ramey afb

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Christian Miura (1994-1998),
Peter Bucher (1961-1965),
Field Mcconnell (1963-1966),
Ray Baco (1977-1981),
Billy Grooms (1966-1970)
Pete Bucher Photo 3

Lake Stevens High School,...

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Melissa Stoddard (1997-2001),
Doug Lofstrom (1952-1956),
Michelle McQuien (1982-1986),
Peter Bucher (1991-1995)


Pete Bucher Photo 4

Peter Bucher

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Tobias Schmidt, Philipp Mengs, Lisa Scharf, Jens Herzog, Esther Jurisch
Pete Bucher Photo 5

Peter Bucher

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Pete Bucher Photo 6

Pete Bucher

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Christop Lucchesi, Rebecca Watts, Mike Mengel, Akinwekomi Joseph, Brett Powell
Pete Bucher Photo 7

Hans Peter Bucher

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Mario Sieberer, Yamaha Motor Austria, Markus Gniazdowski, Wolfgang Buchauer


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