Dr. Cognetti graduated from the Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson Medical College in 1983. He works in Scranton, PA and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Cognetti is affiliated with Geisinger Community Medical Center and Regional Hospital Of Scranton.
Dr. Peter Cognetti, Unico Speech
Unico Man of the Year.
7m 30s
Dr. Cognetti
3m 48s
Roundtable of Sharon Klein with 3 AAML Presid...
43m 18s
Beati Voi - Cognetti (puntata del 28/02/2018)
Giacomo Visco Comandini intervista Paolo Cognetti (premio Strega 2017)...
6m 21s
A Time for Choosing with Peter Thiel
Peter Thiel will be the next speaker in the Ronald Reagan Presidential...