A television game show game is disclosed that may be played by a large number of players who are spread out over a large geographical area and need not be present at the television studio, auditorium or other site where the game is played. The game comprises a plurality of rounds of game play in each of which the number of players who may continue to play in subsequent rounds of game play is reduced. Prizes are won in some of the rounds of game play while the first rounds of game play are used to reduce the number of players who may play in subsequent rounds of game play. The rounds of game play may be done in one session or may be spread out over a period of days or weeks.
Method Of Playing A Game By A Plurality Of Remote Game Participants
A method of playing a game that has a number of rounds of game play where the method includes playing a first level of game play that includes a first plurality of rounds of the game where the first plurality of rounds includes a first stage, a second stage and a third stage where each stage is assigned one of a telephone number's area code, narrower geographic code or line number, each of the first plurality of game rounds narrowing the number of players remaining in the game based on the remote players' telephone numbers, playing a second level of game play that includes a plurality of players calling the television game wherein each of the plurality of players has a caller identification number that qualifies each of the plurality of players from the first level of game play and a second plurality of rounds of the game, each of the second plurality of game rounds narrowing the number of players remaining in the game and where each of the second plurality of game rounds having risk regarding winning prizes, and determining whether each player remaining in the game after each of the second plurality of rounds of the game has elected to play the next round of the second plurality of game rounds or to exit the game with their accumulated prizes.
A method is disclosed for optimizing the provision of temporary short and/or long term manpower within a company in a cost efficient manner. Following a study of the historic demands for temporary services within different parts of a company, and a financial analysis of the provision of such temporary services with full time versus part time employees versus the skills to be provided, a new group of full time employees and part time temporary help with predetermined skills is assembled to serve as a temporary manpower resource pool to different organizations within the company. The abilities of members of the new group are assembled into a database along with information as to what company locations a person can work in, their skill sets, the hours they can work, and other pertinent information. As managers within the company require short or longer term temporary help to meet manpower demands, they first consult either a group managing the new group of temporary manpower resources and/or the database and input their requirements. The requirements are compared to information in the database and a list of potential candidates is obtained. After a manager identifies one or more candidates that can meet their temporary manpower requirements they can either contact the candidates themselves or have the managing group do so and arrange for obtaining the services of a candidate.
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