Emcore Corporation
Senior R and D Engineer
Avago Technologies
R and D Engineer Test 2
Emulex May 2012 - Jan 2013
Engineering Intern
Emulex May 2012 - Jan 2013
Associate Engineer
Us Census Bureau Apr 2010 - Sep 2010
Crew Leader Assistant
California State University, Long Beach 2006 - 2012
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
Debugging C++ Python Linux Programming Java Automation Troubleshooting C# Windows Shell Scripting Software Development Communication Skills Quality Assurance Problem Solving Tortoise Svn Unix Shell Scripting Matlab Vmware Server Microcontrollers Verilog Fpga Unix Oracle Sql Sql Assembly Language User Interface Design Java Enterprise Edition Jsf Jpa Ruby Clojure Erlang Oracle Vm Winscp Putty Connection Manager