Conheça a história de Nelson Matarazzo e descubra uma versão diferente da vida.
Author Rosa Soares
Binding Kindle Edition
Pages 50
ISBN # 1
Rosa Soares
Rosa Soares
Nao trabalho
Moro em bh sou casada e muito feliz vivo acreditado em um mudo melhor e de paz
Sou feliz pois tenho deus em minha vida
Bragging Rights:
Minhas filhas
Rosa Soares
Universidade Fumec - FACE
Muitos Homens querem ser ricos, muitos ricos querem ser rei e muitos reis querem ser deuses, mas o único homem que foi chamado de filho de DEUS quis ser homem... A. Cury
Rosa Soares, a 32 years old woman and her nine year old daughter, Marley Soares, were both found hanged in their basement, on Friday morning. A day before, Rosa Soares had left her other daughter at a friends place on Thursday night but she never came back to pick her up. The family of her daughterThe father of Rosa Soares, Jose Rosa, state that he believed his daughter was suffering from a mental disorder and that he was having worries about her parenting skills as he had seen her slap and kick her two children.He claimed that his daughter was a terrible mother and he tried several times toHowever, one of Rosa Soaress friends, described her as being a very good mother who loved to spoil her two children. On the other hand, another friend of hers, Claudia Gomes, stated that Rosa Soares, had mental problems, and in the past she talked about a possible suicide. Gomes, added that Rosa haHer friend Gomes, said that at the end of last month, Rosa Soares posted on her Facebook page a message saying that she had been receiving threats from someone close to her.The police spokesperson didnt comment about the Facebook post and said that there was no past evidence of domestic violence.
14 Aug 2011 Francisco Dalla Rosa Soares - - Software Engineer - Tokyo, Japan - Brazilian living in Japan. Working as android developer in a startup in ...