Gps Modernized Gps Gps Software Gps Hardware Software Engineering Software Development Embedded Systems Embedded Software Embedded Operating Systems C Programming Assembly Language Programming Vhdl Cryptography Asic Development and Test Hardware Simulations Satellite Testing C Assembly Language Gps Navigation Debugging Systems Design System Architecture Systems Engineering
Russell M. Schmalenberger - Anaheim CA Jeffrey L. Wyman - Anaheim CA
United States of America - Washington DC
International Classification:
H04R 7185
US Classification:
An improvement in a coprocessor system for correcting for drifts in directions of navigation gyros, by means of satellite navigation information from global positioning satellites. Values of gyro navigation information from the gyros are interpolated to values that are valid at a cycle time. A cycle time is a time when the satellite navigation information is valid. The interpolated gyro navigation information is coprocessed with the satellite navigation information to arrive at accurate gyro drift terms. The gyro drift terms are used in correcting for the drifts in the navigation gyros.