Graduation Improvement Specialist- Temporary PositionAshland Public Schools Ashland, MA 2009 to 2011 Guidance CounselorAbington Public Schools Abington, MA 2008 to 2009 High School Guidance Counselor-Long Term SubstituteMcGrath Educational Center Millbury, MA 2007 to 2008 School Based ClinicianMillbury R.E Shaw School Millbury, MA 2005 to 2006 Instructional Assistant/School Psychologist AssistantSutton Public Schools Sutton, MA 2004 to 2005 Applied Behavior Analysis Therapist, Intensive Special Needs/Teacher AssistantDevereux Foundation Rutland, MA 2002 to 2003 Head S.P.E.D Teacher's Assistant/Residential Counselor
Assumption College Worcester, MA 2007 Masters of Arts in School CounselingAnna Maria College Paxton, MA 2003 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
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21 Sep, 2009
3m 16s
Mj Przyjaciel Strach... Poka si swojemu najgbszemu strachowi; wtedy st...