Viswanath Puttagunta

age ~43

from Richardson, TX

Viswanath Puttagunta Phones & Addresses

  • 3002 Owens Blvd, Richardson, TX 75082 • 2143950507
  • 5204 Gorbet, Irving, TX 75039
  • Colton, TX
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Viswanath Puttagunta
Business Services at Non-Commercial Site
5204 Gorbet APT 2301, Irving, TX 75039
3002 Owens Blvd, Richardson, TX 75082

Us Patents

  • Method And System Of Universal Rfid Communication

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  • US Patent:
    7475806, Jan 13, 2009
  • Filed:
    Feb 24, 2005
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Adam Crossno - Flower Mound TX, US
    Dennis Shawn Key - Arlington TX, US
    Viswanath Puttagunta - Irving TX, US
    Ravi Kumar Viswaraju - Richardson TX, US
  • Assignee:
    SAVR Communications, Inc. - Irving TX
  • International Classification:
    G06F 17/00
    G06K 7/00
    G06K 7/08
    G08B 13/14
    H04Q 5/22
  • US Classification:
    235375, 235435, 235449, 235451, 3405721, 340 101
  • Abstract:
    A method and an apparatus are provided for a universally operable Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag reader base unit. An RFID base unit is provided that can communicate with at least two different types of RFID tags, one at a time, that are commercially available as well as communicate with data collecting entities using any of at least two communication standards. The reader comprises a microprocessor (microcontroller) portion having at least one set of plug-in connectors. The reader then operates in different operational logic processes in accordance with the types and parameters of attached plug-in modules. The plug-in modules will typically comprise RF frequency modules for communicating with the RIFD tags as well as a communication standard model for communicating with a computer network. Additionally, the plug-in modules contain memory that contains data and code used by the microprocessor in performing the operations obtainable by specific types of plug-in modules. If upgrading of the operating system is required, such upgrading can be accomplished through the use of an associated port such as a microcontroller interface port, a memory stick slot or using a computer in conjunction with a communication module.
  • Method And System Of Universal Rfid Communication

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  • US Patent:
    8061607, Nov 22, 2011
  • Filed:
    Jan 8, 2009
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Adam Crossno - Flower Mound TX, US
    Dennis Shawn Key - Arlington TX, US
    Viswanath Puttagunta - Richardson TX, US
    Ravi Kumar Viswaraju - Richardson TX, US
  • Assignee:
    OnAsset Intelligence, Inc. - Irving TX
  • International Classification:
    G06K 7/00
    G06K 7/08
    G06K 19/00
    H04Q 5/22
    G08B 13/14
  • US Classification:
    235439, 235375, 235435, 235449, 235451, 235487, 3405721, 340 101
  • Abstract:
    A method and an apparatus are provided for a universally operable Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag reader base unit. An RFID base unit is provided that can communicate with at least two different types of RFID tags, one at a time, that are commercially available as well as communicate with data collecting entities using any of at least two communication standards. The reader comprises a microprocessor (microcontroller) portion having at least one set of plug-in connectors. The reader then operates in different operational logic processes in accordance with the types and parameters of attached plug-in modules. The plug-in modules will typically comprise RF frequency modules for communicating with the RFID tags as well as a communication standard model for communicating with a computer network. Additionally, the plug-in modules contain memory that contains data and code used by the microprocessor in performing the operations obtainable by specific types of plug-in modules. If upgrading of the operating system is required, such upgrading can be accomplished through the use of an associated port such as a microcontroller interface port, a memory stick slot or using a computer in conjunction with a communication module.
  • Method And System For Employing Rfid Tags In Automated Applications

    view source
  • US Patent:
    7233247, Jun 19, 2007
  • Filed:
    Jan 20, 2005
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Adam Crossno - Flower Mound TX, US
    Viswanath Puttagunta - Irving TX, US
    Ravi Kumar Viswaraju - Richardson TX, US
  • Assignee:
    SAVR Communication Inc. - Irving TX
  • International Classification:
    G08B 13/14
  • US Classification:
    3405721, 340 101
  • Abstract:
    A method and an apparatus are provided for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). An RFID base unit is provided that can communicate with at least two different types of RFID tags that are commercially available. Additionally, the RFID base unit can communicate with any number of devices, including but not limited to computer networks, which allow for dynamic access and updates to tailor the RFID base unit for virtually any situation. Particularly, the RFID base unit would be useful in safety and/or security applications to enable and disable automated devices.


Viswanath Puttagunta Photo 1

Viswanath Puttagunta

Viswanath Puttagunta Photo 2

Viswanath Puttagunta


Digital Haritha: Class 7 Science Work-Energy

First sample video taken towards the goal of digitizing the lectures o...

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    15 Jan, 2008
  • Duration:
    4m 6s

Digital Haritha: Kick Off Session, Aug, 2008 ...

Project Digital Haritha Kick Off Session held in Haritha Ecological In...

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    03 Oct, 2008
  • Duration:
    9m 6s

Digital Haritha: Overview Presentation

Objectives of the Digital Haritha Project being implemented in Haritha...

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    11 May, 2008
  • Duration:
    7m 14s

Digital Haritha: Kick Off Session, Aug, 2008 ...

Project Digital Haritha Kick Off Session held in Haritha Ecological In...

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    04 Oct, 2008
  • Duration:
    9m 57s

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