Vice President Engineering at Zsdn Engineering, Inc
Westinghouse Electric Company Feb 1987 - Aug 2014
Principal Nde Development Engineer
Institut Za Elektroprivredu Zagreb Apr 1975 - Feb 1987
Consulting Engineer
University of Zagreb/Sveuciliste U Zagrebu 1968 - 1974
Material Evaluation and Characterization With Nde Develop and Manufacture Rotating Electrical Contacts Rotec at Zsdn Engineering Mechanical Engineering Project Engineering Engineering Management Manufacturing Autocad Solidworks Cad Process Engineering Commissioning
Zoran R. Kuljis - Granby CT, US Richard J. Vannucci - East Longmeadow MA, US
Westinghouse Electric Co. LLC - Pittsburgh PA
International Classification:
G01N 27/82 G01N 27/72 G21C 17/00
US Classification:
324219, 324220, 324238, 324262, 376249
A pressure vessel penetration sidewall adjacent a tube installed in the penetration by a clearance fit is inspected by passing an eddy current probe having a pair of circumferential coils through the tube. Eddy currents are induced in the pressure vessel as the probe passes through the penetration tube and degradation of the pressure vessel adjacent the clearance is determined based upon the eddy currents induced in the pressure vessel by the probe.
A mouse cable holder (mouse hook) includes a base heavy enough to support a mast that suspends a computer mouse cable over a separate mouse pad. The mast is made of a single steel wire with an integral cable feed loop at its lower end and an integral mouse cable gripper at its upper end. The base can be slid over a table top to move the mouse cable holder to a desired position relative to the mouse pad. The base also serves as a spool to take up any excess cable between a computer and the mouse cable holder.
Merci Celia!!
29m 15s
Cirilica - Tito, Kuljis, Klinger - (TV Happy ...
Copyright: TV Happy Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snima...
1h 38m 17s
Zoran Milivojevi // Zato ljubav boli?
Iako se uzvraena ljubav ubraja u pozitivna, tanije prijatna oseanja, o...