Version Clothing - Graphic Design Version Clothing
Collins College
Anthony Medina
Sosvia Inc. - Developer
Universidad Tecnologica de Tijuana
Anthony Medina
San Diego HiGH School - Basic Ed of Life
Gotta roll with the punches and take it as it comes and always just be yourself. Only ones opinions matter are the ones that matter to you... everyone else can Save it... ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME...
Bragging Rights:
I Keep it Humble .. Let my actions Speak for themselves, How ever I have the most beautiful Daughter in the world.. to me ,and that's what matters to me the most.. I LOVE YOU ALYSSA , YOUR MY WORLD , MY HEART , MY LIFE , AND EVERYTHING TO ME... YOUR ME AND I AM YOU, WITH YOU ALWAYS AS YOU ARE WITH ME ALWAYS AND ALWAYS... LOVE YOU ... : )