Pleasant View Elementary School Kensington MD 1972-1975, North Bethesda Junior High School Bethesda MD 1975-1976, Thurmont Middle School Thurmont MD 1976-1977, Abraham Lincoln School 141 Baltimore MD 1982-1983
Larry Jackson, Maurice Crew, Esther Jones, Anna Diggs, Alvette Chase, Adrie Neal
Robert Shumaker, Hillary Barker, Mark Nielsen, Kimberly Touchton, Trena Thompson, Fred Mccorkle, Ashley Perkins, Deborah Vanzant, Brandy Compton, Eric Atwell, Melissa Nichols, Samuel Cohen
Coast Guard identifies oil in refuge and river as fuel oil; source still unknown
Dominion is cooperating with the investigation, but spokesman Charles Penn said that 90 percent of the 13,500 gallons of oil spilled last month has been cleaned up and the rest is probably embedded in soil that has been removed.
Date: Feb 08, 2016
Category: Business
Source: Google
WHO: most countries have no national plan to tackle drug resistance
Talking to Medical News Today, Dr. Charles Penn, coordinator of antimicrobial resistance at WHO, said the fact that so few countries have put together a national action plan suggests that the effect drug resistance can have on public health is being underestimated.
Date: May 01, 2015
Category: Health
Source: Google
Global threat from antibiotic resistance increasing
According to WHO Coordinator for Antimicrobial resistance Charles Penn, the survey also shows that throughout the world, antibiotics and other antimicrobial medicines are sold without prescription. According to him, this increases the probability of overuse.
Date: Apr 29, 2015
Category: Health
Source: Google
WHO: Global Threat From Antibiotic Resistance Growing
WHO Coordinator for Antimicrobial resistance Charles Penn says the survey also shows the sale of antibiotics and other antimicrobial medicines without a prescription is widespread throughout the world. He says this increases the potential for overuse,
Date: Apr 29, 2015
Category: Health
Source: Google
Scientists Discover Potent Antibiotic, A Potential Weapon Against a Range of ...
Its one of the most significant threats to global health were looking at, said Charles Penn, who coordinates the World Health Organizations response to antimicrobial resistance.