"What we have now is both MIS-C and severe acute COVID-19, and I think it's because of schools dropping mask mandates," Dr. Charlotte Hobbs, professor of pediatric infectious diseases and director of UMMC's MIS-C clinic, said in a statement. "We saw this drop of acute COVID-19, and then MIS-C, and n
Date: Oct 08, 2021
Category: More news
Source: Google
NIH Gives UAMS $42M to Oversee Pediatric Clinical Trial Network
The principal investigators are Dr. Charlotte Hobbs, executive associate dean for research in the UAMS College of Medicine and the Pamela D. Stephens professor of Birth Defects Research; and Dr. Jeannette Lee, professor of biostatistics in the UAMS College of Medicine.
Date: Sep 21, 2016
Category: Health
Source: Google
Charlotte Hobbs
University of Manchester - MA English and American Studies, University of Manchester - BA English Literature, North Devon College - A Levels, Park Community School