San Joaquin Valley College Fresno, CA May 2010 Certificate in General Science/Dental AssistantAtwater High School Atwater, CA Jun 1994 Diploma in General Education
Baden - Powell Elementary School Anaheim CA 1972-1973, Disney Elementary School Anaheim CA 1973-1975, Peter Marshall Elementary School Anaheim CA 1975-1977, Walnut Elementary School La Habra CA 1977-1979
Chris Vanderhoof, Charles Wilson, Alice Archer
I am the mother of two beautiful girls Carly and Sophie. I married the man of m...
Mount Vernon Elementary School Bakersfield CA 1981-1986, Fremont Elementary School Bakersfield CA 1986-1988, Chipman Junior High School Bakersfield CA 1988-1990
Hook Jr. High School Victorville CA 1980-1983, Goodwill/Eva Dell High School Victorville CA 1985-1986, High Desert High School Victorville CA 1985-1986
Alicia Smith, Judy Shank
I have a awesome life. I am a happily married woman. I married Vince Arredondo...
Hall Elementary School Minneapolis MN 1969-1974, Holland Elementary School Minneapolis MN 1974-1975, Webster Open Elementary School Minneapolis MN 1975-1976, Franklin Junior High School Minneapolis MN 1976-1978
Michelle Perez, 42, of Clifton, was charged with driving while intoxicated and vehicular homicide in the death of Ismail Iqbal, 32, of Somerset, said Sgt. Jeff Flynn, a New Jersey State Police spokesman.
"When we have that many people out here from a young age to the older and they're wearing their pink bra and showing their sign, you know what, I need to get my detection, I need to go in and be checked, and the earlier you detect it, the more likelihood of your survival, said Michelle Perez, the e