Bev Langley

from Edgewater, MD

Bev Langley Phones & Addresses

  • Edgewater, MD


  • Company:
    Century 21
  • Address:
    836 Ritchie Highway Ste 7, Severna Park, MD 21146
  • Phones:
    4434405569 4434405819


# 1 Agent in County since 1994. • Top Century 21 Agent Nationally • Know how to work with all price ranges h...


Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) for Anne Arundel Coun • 16-time Century 21



Real Estate


Buyer's Agent • Listing Agent


Bev Langley Photo 1

Associate Broker At Century 21 Finesse

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Baltimore, Maryland Area
Real Estate

Real Estate Brokers

Bev Langley Photo 2

Bev Langley, Severna Park MD

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Buyer's Agent
Listing Agent
Century 21
836 Ritchie Highway Ste 7, Severna Park, MD 21146
4434405569 (Phone), 4434405819 (Cell)
The fact is, there isn't much more to the average agent than the agent themselves. Most agents operate a one-person show - and they're probably breaking their backs trying to do a good job for their clients. Most agents couldn't really work any harder than they're already working. Another little known secret is the lisiting agent, in most offices, pays for your all of yourmarketing costs... not the company. Most agents do not have the finiancial resources to properly promote real estate... so you suffer. We know, because we used to do it this way. But we don't anymore because we found that our client's suffered from our good intentions. The fact is, you may be sympathetic to the fact that your agent is working as hard as humanly possible, but if the quality and profitability of your home sale suffers as a result of them trying to do everything themselves . . . well, . . .you have a right to feel cheated The simple explanation is that we built a team of professionals to help us be in 10 places at once, and therefore greatly enhance the quality of service we can deliver to our clients. This is basically how other professionals like your banker or lawyer operate. And on top of this, we've used cutting edge technology to dramatically improve the speed, efficiency and innovative capabilities of every part of the service we deliver. We don't expect you to care about the fine-details of the inner-workings of our office. What you should care about is simply this. Because of the highly unique way we've structured our real estate office . . .
Bev Langley Photo 3

Bev Langley, Severna Park MD Agent

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REO / Bank Owned
Short sales
Residential sales
Luxury homes
First time home buyers
Distressed properties
Century 21
Severna Park, MD
4103200282 (Phone)
License #53580
Client type:
Home Buyers
Home Sellers
Property type:
Single Family Home
Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) for Anne Arundel Coun
16-time Century 21
# 1 Agent in County since 1994.
Top Century 21 Agent Nationally
Know how to work with all price ranges high to low
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Mrs. Bev Langley
Century 21 Finesse
Real Estate
650 Ritchie Hwy STE 200, Severna Park, MD 21146
Bev Langley
Century 21 Finesse Inc
Rl Este Agntresidntl
836 Ritchie Hwy, Severna Park, MD 21146
650 Ritchie Hwy STE 200, Severna Park, MD 21146
4106470021, 4106477838


Bev Langley Photo 4

Bev Langley

Bev Langley Photo 5

Bev Langley


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Bev Langley Severna Park, MD 'How to maximize a lead generation system...

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    1m 11s

Agent Advantage: Bev Langley | Every Agent Ca...

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Agent Advantage: Bev Langley | How to perfect...

"Bev Langley Severna Park, MD How to perfectly practice prospecting Th...

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    1m 2s

Agent Advantage: Bev Langley | Spend money to...

Bev Langley 'Spend money to make money on listings' When Langley gets ...

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    1m 6s

Concordia Retirement Community - Finding Joy ...

Concordia Life Plan Community resident and Villages Oklahoma City, OK ...

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    1m 23s

Bev Langley | Wildlife Carer, Minton Farm

What do you do if you find injured wildlife? We caught up with wildlif...

  • Duration:
    28m 35s


Bev Langley Photo 6

Bev Langley

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Bev Langley Photo 7

Bev Langley

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Bev Langley Photo 8

Bev Langley

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Bev Langley Photo 9

Bev Langley

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