imon Tait, 56, recalled his father Bill refusing to allow him to visit the coalface as a schoolboy. He believes his father did right: "I'm a poncey actor now," Tait said. Bill Tait, an electrician underground, died after surviving tuberculosis, four knee operations and quadruple heart bypass surgery.
Date: Apr 17, 2013
Category: World
Source: Google
Bill Tait (Eyerow Hd)
EyeRow HD
EyeRow HD - the ultimate coaching tool Sarah Tait, a three-time Olympian and Olympic medal winning rower has launched the first of a series of Rowing apps called “EyeRow”. EyeRow is an easy to use...
Row coach and technology enthuiasist
Bill Tait
British Petroleum
Bill Tait
Born in Winnepeg ,but have lived in Ottawa most my life .
I,ve been a bike mechanic all my life , I think ill fix em till the day I die , lol .