2012 to 2000 Title- Clearinghouse AssociateHP Enterprises LLC
2006 to 2000 Medicare ContractorHP Enterprises LLC
2006 to 2000 Clearinghouse AssociateFederal Reserve Bank of Boston Boston, MA 1988 to 2006 Check Services ClerkUnited States Trust Braintree, MA 1984 to 1986 Teller-Head Teller-CSR
New England College of Finance Brockton, MA 2006 Associates in Information SystemsSoutheastern Regional Technical Institute Easton, MA 1982 Certificate in Data ProcessingBrockton High School Brockton, MA 1980
A data document handling or processing apparatus with a plurality of continuous, angular top surfaces to hold checks to be processed and an open side for the insertion of a computer keyboard to expose the numerical keyboard section for use.