2013 to 2000 General ManagerLa Crepe En Haut French Restaurant Ormond Beach, FL 2010 to 2013 General ManagerDaytona Spine & Rehab, LLC Daytona Beach, FL 2009 to 2010 General Manager
George Herbert Walker Bush School of Business St. Louis, MO 2013 to 2015 Master of Business Administration in Business AdministrationUniversity of Central Florida Orlando, FL 2005 to 2009 Bachelor of Arts in Business ManagementFlorida Culinary Institute 1995 to 1997 Associate of Science in Culinary Arts
Food Service Experience: General Manager, Executive Chef, Sous Chef, Catering Director, Fine Dining, High Volume, Private Event Catering <br/><br/>Active Certification: Food Manager's License, Food Handler's License
Medicine Doctors
Dr. James C Antos, Daytona Beach FL - DC (Doctor of Chiropractic)
They are pretty protected even if the West has a veryweak economic prospect for this year, James Antos, a HongKong-based analyst at Mizuho Securities Asia Ltd., said bytelephone today. Their business is really emerging-marketsoriented: Africa, the Middle East and Asia primarily.
Theyre behaving almost like a hedge fund, which is surprising because theyve always talked about being a long-term investor, said James Antos, a banking analyst at Mizuho Securities in Hong Kong.