And Secretary of State Kris Kobach is a national figure on immigration and voter registration laws, so his contest against Democratic challenger Jean Schodorf is being scrutinized well beyond the states borders.
Sen. Jean Schodorf, a 64-year-old Ph.D. whose grandmother came to Kansas in a covered wagon in 1883 Laura Ingalls Wilder once lived on the Schodorf family farm was defeated by a 27-year-old who'd served for a single year on the Wichita City Council and still lived in his father's parsonage. Kels with the notion of "self-deportation" has seen a seven-point lead over his Democratic opponent disappear since the summer. That opponent, incidentally, happens to be Jean Schodorf, the primaried Republican moderate, who came away from her dealings with Brownback so soured she switched parties.
Date: Oct 23, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
As midterms loom, Republicans try to fight off conflict of interest accusations
Secretary of state Kris Kobach is in a tooth-and-nail struggle for re-election against Democratic challenger Jean Schodorf. The election will be held under a controversial new law pioneered by Kobach himself that effectively strips the right to vote in state elections from anyone unable to produ
county commissioner, but he'd decided to support Orman. He told me he had three candidates' signs in his yard: Paul Davis, the Democrat challenging Governor Sam Brownback; Jean Schodorf, the Democrat for secretary of state; and Republican Representative Mike Pompeo, a Tea Party-aligned conservative.
spending too much time outside the office. Former state Sen. Jean Schodorf, his Democratic challenger in his re-election race, accused him last week of "dereliction of duty" because he wasn't physically present when Taylor delivered his formal letter of withdrawal and interacted with Kobach's staff.
most intense in Kansas. Conservatives defeated Sens. Pete Brungardt of Salina, Bob Marshall of Fort Scott, Tim Owens of Overland Park, Roger Reitz of Manhattan, Jean Schodorf of Wichita, Ruth Teichman of Stafford and Dwayne Umbarger of Thayer. Results in Morris' race showed him losing to state Rep.
Date: Aug 08, 2012
Source: Google
Senate approves redistricting plan after heated debate
He said that as a concession to them, both he and state Sen. Jean Schodorf, R-Wichita, proposed amendments that redrew district lines, allowing potential conservative Republican opponents to take them on.