Curtis Deutsch 1979 graduate of Lp Miller High School in Nipawin, SK is on See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with Curtis and other high school ...
Curtis Deutsch 1970 graduate of Druid Hills High School in Atlanta, GA is on See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with Curtis and other high ...
n the last half a billion years of life on the planet, it was the worst extinction, said Curtis Deutsch, an oceanography expert who co-authored the research, published on Thursday, with his University of Washington colleague Justin Penn along with Stanford University scientists Jonathan Payne and E
Date: Dec 06, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Hot, low-oxygen water blamed for ancient mass extinction
While humans arent warming the Earth anywhere close to as much as what happened naturally 250 million years ago, this puts our future into the category of contenders for true catastrophe, said study co-author Curtis Deutsch, an Earth scientist at the University of Washington.
Date: Dec 06, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Global warming could spur more and hungrier crop-eating bugs
Insects now consume about 10 per cent of the globes food, but that will increase to 15 to 20 per cent by the end of the century if climate change isnt stopped, said study lead author Curtis Deutsch, a University of Washington climate scientist.
Date: Aug 30, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
How can frigatebirds stay aloft for months at a time?
"Soaring and gliding are energetically efficient modes of transport, especially for frigate birds, which have very long wings and the lowest wing loading of any bird," Raymond Huey and Curtis Deutsch, professors at the University of Washington, write in a discussion of the research for Science. "Wei
Date: Jul 01, 2016
Category: Sci/Tech
Source: Google
Study: Oxygen Loss to be Widespread Phenomenon by 2030, Thanks to Global Warming
crucial ingredients for life in the ocean is running dangerously low dissolved oxygen. Researcher Curtis Deutsch, an associate professor at the University of Washingtons School of Oceanography warns that the declining levels of oxygen in the water may cause additional stress to a number of species."A report published in Scientificamerican said, "Curtis Deutsch, associate professor at the University of Washingtons School of Oceanography, studies how increasing global temperatures are altering the levels of dissolved oxygen in the worlds oceans. Scientists have been warning that decreasing amo
Date: May 04, 2016
Category: Sci/Tech
Source: Google
Something terrible is happening to the ocean, and it's our fault
To cut through this natural variability and investigate the impact of climate change, the research team including Curtis Deutsch of the University of Washington and Taka Ito of Georgia Tech relied on the NCAR-based Community Earth System Model, which is funded by NSF and the U.S. Department of E
Curtis Deutsch, lead author of the study and researcher at the University of Washingtons School of Oceanography, explained that as global sea temperatures go up, marine oxygen levels will go down. Yet, Deutsch acknowledged that at the moment it is rather hard to assess climate-driven changes in the
Date: May 04, 2016
Category: Sci/Tech
Source: Google
Scientists caution of lower ocean oxygen levels in 2030s
According to study co-author Curtis Deutsch, areas such as the Indian Ocean where global warming-related features are more prominent may be most affected by the change in oxygen levels, and may have a negative impact on different forms of animal life in the oceans.